Saturday, November 30, 2019

Mcbeth Impact Of Hallucinations Essays - McBeth,

Mcbeth: Impact Of Hallucinations # #Penapc Thursday, October 12, 2000 Shakespears The Tragedy of McBeth: Impact of Hallucinations I believe that the hallucinations viewed by McBeth played an important part in the whole story. It was one of those important factors that determined the outcome. McBeth as a leader should show only strength and no signs of weakness is acceptable. McBeth's judgment begins to deteriorate once he sees these hallucinations. When McBeth sees a dagger floating and hovering above his head he is viewed by the rest of the characters in the room as a lunatic. This is not a feature a great leader is distinguished by. McBeth is characterized as a tragic hero and a tragic hero is one who has the potential of being a great leader but causes his own downfall by his own weakness. This is who McBeth is. In the play, McBeth is supposedly a cold-blooded murderer who would do anything to protect his throne. He should dare to slain a child and walk away without remorse. When McBeth murdered his own, Banquo, he did not show any sentiments in killing him. Which depicts McBeth as an evil king with no heart. Later McBeth begins to see the ghost of Banquo. There in a room full of people he begins to speak to himself, or so the others think he is. Lady McBeth begins to think that her husband has lost it and when others see McBeth in this position they lose respect which brings McBeth to the ground. At the end McBeth reveals his weaker side at the battle when he confronts McDuff whom later slains McBeth. McBeth already saw his end coming as he had mentioned and I believe that McBeth could have won this battle if he wanted to. This is how these hallucinations affected McBeth and began to defeat him.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How To Use Google Docs For Blogging And Marketing

How To Use Google Docs For Blogging And Marketing Google Docs is where I do my blogging. I’ve mentioned it before, and listed my reasons, which include everything from interface to how it fits into my blogging workflow for both myself and freelance clients. Let’s not forget to mention that it is free. There are a lot of other places you can do your blogging (Evernote, OneNote, WordPress), and there are good reasons to use them. Some of those tools, such as WordPress, can be extended through plugins to get them to do all that you need them to. But now that you can easily attach your Google Docs into , let’s take a look at why Google Docs is a great place, from both writing and cooperative standpoints. How To Use Google Docs To Simplify Your Blogging And Marketing via @JulieNeidlinger The Writing Experience The experience you have when writing matters. This means the actual writing as well as everything else that goes into writing your blog post, such as research. The experience you have when writing matters. #bloggingLess distracting writing. I love, love, love distraction-free writing. The appearance of the tool I’m using has an effect on how well I write. While Google Docs isn’t technically â€Å"distraction free† (it actually has a lot of formatting options available on the writing screen), there is a strong semblance to it. Google has been steadily adjusting all of its products across the board to a more consistent and user-friendly appearance, and Google Docs is no different. Part of removing the distraction of writing is removing the decisions you have to make to get to the actual process of writing. Google Docs, particularly if you are already a Google Drive or Google products user, makes it easy to get going on writing without having to deal with much beyond a few clicks. Portable writing and copy. Portability is more than a handy feature, especially if you are working either outside the geography of a typical office or outside of your blogging platform. Freelancers and those with writing clients, especially, have this experience. Not everyone is using the same blogging platform or wants to give access to their blogging platform to outside writers. There are two approaches to portable copy that I want to cover: working offline and flexible copy. Working offline:  Using Google Drive apps on your Chromebook or mobile device, you can write blog posts when you don’t have an Internet connection. I frequently write on my Chromebook in the offline mode on airplanes or in hotels without an Internet connection. While you won’t have access to online research tools, you can get basic writing done. Flexible copy:  Yes, Google Docs can export your copy in several formats, but what you’ll probably do most often is copy and paste into a blogging platform. Google Docs does a good job of exporting clean HTML right into WordPress (save for adding the b tag to the h tags). Unless you get really fussy with your text styling, Google Docs has improved a great deal when it comes to copying and pasting text without excess formatting. There’s some additional good news regarding just how portable copy is for users, and  we’ll cover that at the end of the post. Write in Google Docs even when you're offline, then transfer to and into WordPress....Built-in research tools. While doing research with a search engine is easy enough, Google Docs has some tools that make it possible to do it all right from your Docs screen without having to hop into other tabs. Tools: Google Docs comes with a lot of built-in tools. You can access these from the main menu as well. The handy one is the â€Å"research† tool, which allows you to do sidebar Google searches. You can do a general search, or break down many specific kinds of searches (for example, just Google Images or just Google Scholar). If you’re doing all of your writing in Google Docs, you can even do a personal search of your own content on Google. Add-ons: You can grab add-ons from the main menu. There’s a pretty good selection depending on what you need. I have added a bibliography creator, document navigator (for the longer writing projects), one to manage workflows, and so on. Adding them to your Google Docs is done while in an actual document. It’s not as if you can’t do these searches or find these tools elsewhere in standalone tools, but again, if you’re like me, you have enough tabs open at any given moment. Sometimes its nice to be able to do the research in the same place without always jumping back and forth. That’s part of simplifying your blogging workflow. Organizing Your Workflow And Your Work While research and writing tools are handy, Google Docs really shines when it comes to working with others. Whether with team members or with clients, it has both discussion and organizational tools that are helpful. Setting up folders. Google allows you to write a basic description of the folders and files found in your Google Drive. As a freelance blogger, I give each writing client their own folder. I then use the description of their folder to add notes about client requirements, such as word counts, contact information, and other copy specifications. This makes it easier to keep important information straight. For your blogging team, you might organize your folders based on blogging category, content campaigns, or workflow process (e.g. Ideas, In Progress, Review, To Publish). You can use the folder description to alert your team to what that category of content should be about, notes on the campaign from a team meeting, or the â€Å"rules† of using your workflow properly. Even if you are a solo blogger, using folders properly in Google Docs will keep your Google Drive from becoming a huge mess. You may have a folder for images, ideas, for research- whatever fits how you work. The descriptions on each folder are a great place for notes of things you need to remember for any content that goes inside. While Google Docs has a great search function, that’s no excuse to be haphazard. How I Set Up My Folders: Being both a solo blogger and a freelance blogger, I put folders to work. I have the following top-level folders in regards to my blogging: Clients:  I changed the color to red for this folder so it stands out. Each folder inside of it is a client. The description of those individual client folders tells me, at a glance, word count and important client expectations. Blogging: This folder is for my own blogging. I have subfolders for actual blog posts, ideas (blog posts started or outlined but not yet written), and research (where I save PDFs of websites using the Ctrl-P and â€Å"Save To Google Drive† option on my Chromebook). I also have, not in a subfolder, a few spreadsheets (analytics, headline ideas, etc.). I save research as a PDF because sometimes Web pages and ebooks disappear, and I want to be able to reference them in future blog posts. I have a few subfolders in the research folder to organize those PDFs by category so when it comes time to write on a related topic, I just have to hop in and see what I’ve discovered while surfing the Web earlier. I also have a Google Doc in each subfolder where I save quotes and interesting snippets from books and magazines I’ve read, with bibliography. In this way, when I find interesting content even while â€Å"off the clock†, I can still help myself out later when it comes time to write. I just hop into the subfolder on the topic I need, find PDFs or quotes to build content around, and writing just got easier. It’s similar to people using Evernote or Pocket, saving Web content for later. Working with your team. One of the big struggles when creating content with a team is the discussion around the content, versioning controls, and making necessary edits. Having that kind of discussion and activity happen alongside the actual content (instead of in an email with references to â€Å"changes in the fourth paragraph† or something similar) is very helpful. There are four basic ways you need to work with your team when it comes to the actual content you’re all trying to create: Editing: The default setting, when you open or create a doc, is full-on editing. You can change this, though, to suggestions so that the actual edits don’t change the copy but suggest the changes. You can accept or reject those changes with a click. Commenting: By highlighting portions of copy, your team can ask questions and carry on conversations. General review: Sharing the Google Doc with your team is easy, whether you want to give them full-edit access, or just need to let team members in on the content but not have the ability to make changes. For example, your graphic designer and social media manager may need to see the copy but you don’t want them to be able to edit it. Revisions: You can always see or revert back to an old version by checking out past revisions. This control is found under File See Revision History. It will bring up a listing of revisions in the right sidebar, using color to show you what has changed since the latest version. Of course, you’ll need notifications when things happen on your document. Each document has notification controls (all notifications, only yours, or none) so you get an email when someone leaves a comment. You can alert specific team members by tagging them in your comments with @ or, but you’ll have to have shared the doc with them, of course. If you haven’t, you’ll be asked to do so. You can also email collaborators on a specific document that you’ve shared with them earlier through the â€Å"File† menu. 4 Ways To Use Google Docs To Turn  Your #Marketing Team Into Rock StarsWorking with clients. There are a couple of ways you can work with blogging clients who might need to approve your copy before it can be published. You can do it within the standard Google Docs setup, or you can use an add-on. Share and review: By sharing your finished blog post with your client, you can give them access. If it is read-only, they can preview it and offer feedback via email. If you give them edit access, they can leave comments on specific parts of your copy. Approval workflow: If you need more to your client approval workflow than comments and edit suggestions, there is another option. The add-on that you could put to use for a more standard client approval workflow is called â€Å"Workflows.† Its aim is to establish read-only versions, send emails to those you need to approve the content, and stay on top of the approval process. It isn’t a perfect solution, by any means, but if you aren’t using any other app or system for such approvals and you’re already doing your work inside Google Docs, it may be an option for you. For most clients, the share and review process is enough, particularly if you’re using an app like where things like tasks and discussion are also happening. If you aren’t using , Google Docs also integrates with most of the popular project management tools (Trello, Asana, Zapier, etc.) and much of that workflow can be handled there. Why Use Google Docs? Why not just use WordPress instead of writing in Google Docs? All your writing in one place:  As a possible control freak, it lets me keep a copy of everything I’ve written in one place. I also downloaded the Google Drive app to my computer so that it is backed up for offline access, too. Easy to rework content:  If my content isn’t locked inside WordPress, I can easily turn it into an ebook or something else. Google Docs is more portable. Flexible for multiple clients:  Freelancers are going to discover that each client uses their own project management tools. Using Google Docs has helped me cut through the hassle of creating content to fit so many tools since most have Gmail and are familiar with Google Docs. A client’s WordPress may or may not be an option to you, depending on the access you are given. Multiple people working at once:  WordPress wisely only allows one person to edit a post at once. Gone are the days of lost copy because someone else was in a post. Google Docs lets you all in, notifying everyone who is in there and coloring your cursor to pinpoint your location in the document. You all can edit live. Cleaner interface:  This is a personal opinion, but I’m not keen on the new distraction-free WordPress. The latest version does not allow for the â€Å"quick save† of the old, but instead refreshes the whole page (as well as some other annoyances). Google Docs saves as you go. Better editing experience:  The editing tools and ability to accept or reject suggested edits right there in the copy is a huge help. No one will miss the agony of long email chains or conversations held in places away from the actual copy, causing you to jump back and for from tab to tab to make the changes. 6 Reasons To Use Google Docs For #Blogging And #MarketingGreat News For Users now integrates with Google Docs as part of an all-in-one editorial calendar feature! You can write your posts- and any other kind of content- in Google Docs, and sync it with . now integrates with Google Docs for your all-in-one #marketing calendar! With this integration, Google Docs is combined with the great workflow tools available in . Freelancers can still manage and organize their content from their end, but easily send that finished copy right to without having to manually copy and paste. That’s exciting stuff! And if this sounds like something you'd like to try for yourself, make sure to download your free 'How To Use Google Docs For Blogging And Marketing' infographic to remember the takeaways from this post.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Changes in the Business Environment of Shell and Subsequent Strategy

Changes in the Business Environment of Shell and Subsequent Strategy The main objective of this assignment deals with business environmental changes of â€Å"Shell Company† (Petroleum Company) from last 5 years. PESTEL analysis was applied in the following assignment, in order to present Shell Company’s present status in all aspects and the changes that have taken place in the company. Moreover, the various types of strategies formulated were outlined and discussed. Introduction An organization is an entity that provides goods and services to consumers who need or want them and it does not function in isolation. Therefore, it is imperative to identify and understand all the factors within its environment that could potentially affect it. The environment of a business is normally divided into two categories, the micro environment and the macro environment. Below we shall discuss in details what each category means. Micro-environment: Internal factors like suppliers, competitors and employees are volatile and influence transformation of a business process and often it leads to undermining the current balance within the system. Suppliers: A supply chain is a system of organizations, people, technology, activities, information and resources involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer. Company should have a social responsibility towards their suppliers, as they transform the natural resources and raw materials into finished goods which are delivered to the end consumers. They also play a vital role during product shortage. They are the combination of all types of business practice and ethics. Customers: A  Client, buyer or purchaser, is usually used to refer to a current or potential buyer or user of the  products  of an individual or  organization, called the  supplier,  seller, or  vendor. Slogans for the Customer: â€Å"the customer is king† or â€Å"the customer is god† or â€Å"the customer is always right. Competitors: Competition  is a  contest  between individuals, groups, nations, etc. for territory, a niche, or a location of resources. Competition arises whenever two or more parties strive for a goal which cannot be shared. Humans compete for  wealth, prestige, and  fame so that they met deep rivalries often arises over the pursuit of. Business is often associated with competition as most companies are in competition with at least one other firm over the same group of customers. Macro-environment: Decision making by managers are influenced by many factors that constitutes the macro environment in a business. The examples for the macro environment are Tax changes, trade barriers, demographic change and government policy changes. The fo llowing factors are: Political factors: Political environment is an unpredictable element which effect specific organizations badly due to instability in government and rules passed by the political parties. Factors like political stability in the country, party in power, ideology of government and foreign policy greatly influence the business in political environment of the country. Example: Indian Government restricted coca-cola sales during late seventies following policy of restricting the growth of multinationals in Indian markets. But coco-cola was allowed after some years under the New Industrial policy of 1991. Under this new policy, government liberalized licensing, imports and exports, inflow of foreign capital and technology on more liberal terms.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Slave Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Slave Trade - Essay Example The slave-exporting states such as Virginia engaged in adversarial relationships with slave-importing states in their roles of seller and buyer. Moreover, as the slaves went farther south, the lower South states deduced that the upper South was beginning to change its perspective on slavery. This difference provoked a deep debate over the reopening of the African slave trade. (Deyle, 2004) The areas of the Deep South saw that new imports would allow Virginia to remain a loyal slave state. However, Virginia did not want newly-arrived slaves to diminish the value of its existing human property. Perceiving that slavery was under attack and fearing the loss of Virginia to the free states, the lower South decided to seced. The Deep South forced Virginia into secession. At that time, Virginia had no desire to deprive itself of the revenues from the domestic slave trade. Southern cotton supported the textile mills of England and the American North. Market forces dominated the growth and traffic of slave trade. Slave traders were demanding entrepreneurs who were fully absorbed in a highly competitive business" (Deyle, 2005). Slave traders acted as conduits of market values into the South, who then paved the way to consumerism and speculation and enhanced modern business practices to the other regions. Slaveholders denied that they sold slaves willingly and insulated themselve s from complicity in the human traffic. (Deyle, 2004). The slave trade has myriad dimensions. Southern farmers, planters, and speculators carried their human chattel with them whenever they move from Alabama to Virginia. Moreover, many slaveholders wanted to increase their enslaved workforces. The experience of being sold to slave traders and to a landowner was the most soul-rending experience most African Americans endured, aside from bodily punishments. An ex-slave Ben had recounted to interviewer Mary White Ovington in 1910 that every fall, the slaves would be sold in the same way that cattle was sold.Slaveholders would transfer them from one place to another as if they were mules or horses. Families would be split without consideration for husbands, wives and children. Those who had been sold to new masters never knew what to expect and they never had an inkling of what type of new master they would encounter in their new plantation. (Jewett and Allen, 2004). When Samuel Townsend, a slave owner from Virginia, needed more slaves, he bought them from traders in Richmond. This movement of slaves from the Upper South to the Gulf states presented possibilities for profitable speculations. Thousands of slaves born in Virginia showed up in Alabama during from 1820s to 1840s. Groups of slaves moved from Virginia and the Carolinas each fall. Montgomery was Alabama's largest slave sale site. Blacks being transported but encumbered by foot irons and chains were a pitiful sight on the roads. After railroads had been built in Montgomery with the Upper South slave markets, particularly during the 1850s, more traders and speculators used the railroads to move their human cargo (Jewett and Allen, 2004). Uncle Tom's Cabin converted the North to the cause of the slave. The book brought home to the heart of the North, and of the world, that the slave was a man. The book was instrumental in conveying the fact that the slave is linked to mankind by human love and aspiration and anguish but devoid of the rights of man. (Merriam, 1970). Uncle Tom's

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Cause and effect Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Cause and effect - Essay Example This paper explores the causes and effects of high rate of divorce. The causes of high divorce rate include but are not limited to changed gender roles in marriage and change in laws whereas some of the effects of high divorce rate include distorted family system, single parenthood, and depression. Gender roles in marriage have changed under the influence of media and this has caused an increase in the divorce rate. The soaps, commercials, and movies have inculcated the concept in the minds of the audience that in order to be modern and successful, it is imperative that both members in a couple work. The media has especially placed emphasis on the work of women. More job opportunities have been created for women in order to make it easy for them to find work. As a result, women have started paying more attention toward their careers and professions than their homes. In the past, men worked and assumed the responsibility of earning bread for the family whereas women stayed at home and took care of the children. â€Å"Women feel caught in the middle, burdened by increased demands from both work and family† (Clarke-Stewart and Brentano 34). More and more women are giving up in their struggle to strike a balance between family and work and are eventually heading for divorce . Before 1970, couples needed to justify their attempt to seek divorce by proving at least one of the partners guilty of something or being at fault. Reasons that made divorce seem justified in the eyes of the law included but were not limited to cruelty, abandonment, intoxication, cheating, and adultery. However, some states introduced the option of no-fault divorce in the 1950s. Under the changed law, the need for couples to prove one of the partners being at fault was obviated. Instead, they could simply state that their marriage was not working. Nearly all states had allowed no-fault divorce by 1970. In the past,

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Preparing To Conduct Business Research Essay Example for Free

Preparing To Conduct Business Research Essay Introduction In conducting business research for the NFL organization instruments to collect data and conduct interviews will need to be used. The appropriate sampling and research methods will also be discussed for this research process. The NFL organization will see great benefits from conducting this research to reach the right conclusions about the problems they are facing as of late with their players violating the league’s personal conduct and substance abuse policies (2014 NFL Fines/suspensions Tracker, 2014). Their players have also been a part of many domestic violence arrests. (Morris, 2014). Sampling/Research Methods For this particular research, this study will require purposive sampling. The participants will have to be chosen arbitrarily for their unique characteristics, experiences, attitudes, or perceptions. Then as conceptual or theoretical categories of participants develop during the interview process, new participants will be sought out to challenge emerging patterns (Cooper Schindler, 2014). The first two groups will have to be NFL players who have a history of being involved in personal conduct and substance abuse violations, and those who do not. Individual interviews will have to be conducted face to face during the player’s practices or other down time they may have. If they choose to participate in the study, individual interviews will allow each player to feel more comfortable sharing truthful information about themselves and their possible involvement in personal conduct and substance abuse violations. The interviews will be semi-structured in nature because semi-structured interviews develop a dialog between interviewer and participant, and use the skill of the interviewer to extract more data and a greater variety of data, and can achieve greater clarity and elaboration of  the participant’s answers (Cooper Schindler, 2014). Instruments to Use to Collect Qualitative Information The instrument that will be used to collect this qualitative information will be survey via personal interview. This is because the depth and detail of information that can be secured is greater. The interviewer has the ability to improve the quality of information collected with this technique over any other methods. This is because the interviewer has the ability to observe the participants and see if they are having a hard time understanding questions and make it so that the participants can relate to them and feel more comfortable overall responding to them considering the nature of the questions that the NFL players will be answering (Cooper Schindler, 2014). Appropriate Sample Method The appropriate sample method for this research is a probability sampling because personal records of the players are already on file and they can choose narrow down the candidates for the survey to determine the best ones. Although with all the care taken for the survey â€Å"some people will refuse to participate† (Cooper Schindler, 2014). Due to players refusing to participate â€Å"sampling error is likely to rise† and the researchers would take that into account when determining the sample method (Cooper Schindler, 2014). Sampling Frame The sampling frame that would be used for this research study would be drawn from the roosters of the current players that are currently held by the coaches. To increase the sampling group this would also include previous players that had been involved with the league (Cooper Schindler, 2014). The researchers would pull from a â€Å"larger population and then use a screening procedure to eliminate those who are not members of the group† that the team wishes to study (Cooper Schindler, 2014). Players have been accused of the infraction in the past or currently have a case pending will not be included in the survey. The players will be assigned numbers and chosen at random to be surveyed. Appropriate Sampling Size â€Å"How large a sample should be is a function of the variation in the  population parameters under study and the estimating precision needed by the researcher† (Cooper Schindler, 2014). Due to the variance that could arise within the population the sample of the research would need to be larger to account for the variance (Cooper Schindler, 2014). The sampling size will also be large due to the smaller error range needed to determine the punishments for the players that commit break the player code of conduct set by the league. Cost considerations would not affect the size of the sampling because the current and former players will not be compensated for their survey. Sample Size The sample size regarding this particular experiment will be determined as followed: the first sample group will be NFL players known for having a history in being involved in personal conduct and substance abuse violations and the second sample group will be NFL players who do not have a history in either of those regards. As of now in the 2014 season, 41 NFL players have been suspended for substance abuse or personal conduct that can be interviewed in the first group and the remaining 1,655 players to choose from in the second group (2014 NFL Fines/suspensions Tracker, 2014). Qualitative Methods Being Used The qualitative method being used in the experiment is survey by face-to-face interview. The benefit to a face-to-face interview is being able to observe and record nonverbal as well as verbal communication (Cooper Schindler, 2014). It is believed that this method will produce the most honest, truthful data and in a study like this it is important to make your samples feel comfortable in opening up. Statistical Tests Being Used A powerful statistical test is recommended for this experiment. The number of players who have been suspended is too low, so it’s important to make sure the sample size will give enough data to make the experiment valid against the interviews done in the second group. Results and Conclusions The individuals that are in charge of gathering the data that is needed to create new policies for off-field incidences is going to make sure that they get everything they need to make new policies. They are going to want these  new policies to stay intact and not change every year. From the results, the NFL should be able to answer the original research question, â€Å"What should the off-field punishments be based on what the incident was?† In conclusion, the NFL was made aware that the policies for punishment of off-field incidences wasn’t strict enough. The NFL had to start by conduction interviews with players that were open to sharing information. The instrument that was used is qualitative information. The appropriate sample method for this research is a probability sampling because personal records of the players are already on file and they can choose narrow down the candidates for the survey to determine the best ones. Once all the information was gathered, the NFL was able to share the data by creating new policies for off-field incidences. References 2014 NFL Fines/Suspensions Tracker. (2014). Retrieved from Cooper, D.R. Schindler, P. S. (2014). Business research methods (12th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Morris, B. (2014, July 31). The Rate of Domestic Violence Arrests Among NFL Players. DataLab. Retrieved September 26, 2014, from

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Problem of Teenage Suicide :: Teenage Suicide Essays

The Problem of Teenage Suicide Most everyone at some time in his or her life will experience periods of anxiety, sadness, and despair. These are normal reactions to the pain of loss, rejection, or disappointment. Those with serious mental illnesses, however, often experience much more extreme reactions, reactions that can leave them mired in hopelessness. And when all hope is lost, some feel that suicide is the only solution. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, scientific evidence has shown that almost all people who take their own lives have a diagnosable mental or substance abuse disorder, and the majority have more than one disorder. In other words, the feelings that often lead to suicide are highly treatable. That’s why it is imperative that we better understand the symptoms of the disorders and the behaviors that often accompany thoughts of suicide. With more knowledge, we can often prevent the devastation of losing a loved one. Now the eighth-leading cause of death overall in the U.S. and the third-leading cause of death for young people between the ages of 15 and 24 years, suicide has become the subject of much recent focus. U.S. Surgeon General David Satcher, for instance, recently announced his Call to Action to Prevent Suicide, 1999, an initiative intended to increase public awareness, promote intervention strategies, and enhance research. The media, too, has been paying very close attention to the subject of suicide, writing articles and books and running news stories. Suicide among our nation’s youth, a population very vulnerable to self-destructive emotions, has perhaps received the most discussion of late. Maybe this is because teenage suicide seems the most tragic—lives lost before they’ve even started. Yet, while all of this recent focus is good, it’s only the beginning. We cannot continue to lose so many lives unnecessarily. Some Basic Facts In 1996, more teenagers and young adults died of suicide than from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia and influenza, and chronic lung disease combined. In 1996, suicide was the second-leading cause of death among college students, the third-leading cause of death among those aged 15 to 24 years, and the fourth- leading cause of death among those aged 10 to 14 years. From 1980 to 1996, the rate of suicide among African-American males aged 15 to 19 years increased by 105 percent. It is a hopeful sign that while the incidence of suicide among adolescents and young adults nearly tripled from 1965 to 1987, teen suicide rates in the past ten years have actually been declining, possibly due to increased recognition and treatment.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Federal government of the United States Essay

 © 2010 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. All rights reserved. The Carnegie Endowment does not take institutional positions on public policy issues; the views represented here are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Endowment, its staff, or its trustees. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the Carnegie Endowment. Please direct inquiries to: About the Author Nathaniel Ahrens is a visiting scholar in the Carnegie Energy and Climate Program, where his research focuses on climate, energy, and sustainable development issues in China. He is the president of Golden Road Ventures Ltd., a business development and strategic advisory firm that provides expertise and support for critical projects in China, including sustainable development, government procurement, agriculture, and media. Previously, Ahrens was senior product manager and director of international sales for Intrinsic Technology, a Shanghai-based telecommunications software provider. He also founded Shanghai Pack Ltd., a luxury-brand packaging company based in Shanghai and Paris. Ahrens is a member of the National Committee on U.S.–China Relations, the Asia Society, and serves as an honorary ambassador for the State of Maine. Indigenous innovation1 has become the greatest immediate source of economic friction between the United States and China. This trend is not unique to these two countries; policy makers globally are actively trying to stimulate domestic innovation. The burgeoning markets for biotech and environmentrelated products and services and, potentially even more important, countries’ efforts to emerge from the global economic slowdown all reinforce this trend. Mindful of this global scene, China has made indigenous innovation one of the core elements of its attempt to make a structural shift up the industrial value chain. Recently, however, indigenous innovation has been tarred with a protectionist brush. In both China and the United States, there have been increasing calls for buy-local stipulations and the erection of tariffs and non-tariff barriers to trade. In China, these measures primarily take the shape of government â€Å"local content† mandates and through the preferential treatment given to products officially classified as â€Å"national indigenous innovation products† (NIIP) in the government procurement process. In the United States, they have taken the form of buy-local provisions and efforts to shut out foreign companies. The conflict has been escalating dangerously. In the run-up to the recent Strategic and Economic Dialogue, the U.S. business community ranked indigenous innovation in China as its number one policy concern, above even the currency issue. As of this writing, the key points of contention remain unresolved. Yet despite the loud cries of protest against it, the global trend toward â€Å"homegrown† innovation is a healthy, positive development. Without innovation, countries cannot continually raise wages and living standards.2 Government procurement should play an important role in stimulating innovation, but maintaining open markets and international linkages is critical. But instead of following its current approach of short-term product substitution and picking winners by protecting them from competition, China should focus on proven, market-friendly ways of stimulating innovation. Government procurement’s primary roles should be market signaling, de-risking R&D, bridging the finance gap, and stimulating demand. The United States would also benefit by refocusing its government procurement policies along the lines indicated in the key findings of this paper, especially concentrating on facilitating more open markets and elevating the importance of sustainable procurement. The following set of specific recommendations for China will stimulate innovation through open markets and the effective use of government procurement

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Linguistics for Elementary Teachers Essay

After reading the first and second chapters, in How Linguistics are Learned, I am interested by what Lightbown and Spada (2006) argued. The authors claimed that â€Å"The development of bilingual or second language learning is of enormous importance† (p. 25). They argued also that acquisition of more than one language in our new global world is rewarding for bilingual individuals socially and economically. The authors stated that most children nowadays are exposed to more than one language during their early childhood and schooling time. Some may learn two languages at the same time ‘simultaneous bilinguals’ while others may learn the other language later ‘sequential bilinguals’. There are situations where children are cut off their family language while they are very young. They may stop speaking their family language. This might represent a reason for concern. Researchers have recently devoted a considerable amount of their time and energy to investigate children’s abilities to learn more than one language at early age. The goal is to help students to learn a second language at early age and facilitate that for teachers and educators. This subject matter is interesting and challenging to me personally because it is connected to my experiences as a teacher and principal of multicultural schools environment with language learning /acquisition and education. My first language is Arabic; English is my second language. I started learning English while I was at Middle school; I was 12 years old. I have been all my life in education. I worked a teacher and principal. I worked in Jordan, Kuwait, Iraq, Canada and the US. I have worked with students from different countries speaking different languages in multicultural schools environment. My current school is Annoor Islamic School (AIS) in Wichita, KS. It is a private school, Pre-K through 8th grade. Students enrolled are 157 from 20 countries and 90 % of them are bilingual or trilingual. Students speak more than five different languages at their homes in addition to English. Due to the fact that our school is an Islamic school all our students are Muslims. AIS provides higher quality of education for students. They learn, in addition to public schools’ curriculum: Al-Quran al-Kareem, Islamic Studies and Arabic Language. Teaching Arabic for the non-native Arabic speaking makes them trilingual. It may look difficult for students, but in reality they want to be able to read Al-Quran. Al-Ksareem. They are highly motivated to learn more about their religion and read Al-Quran Al-Kareem in the Arabic Language. Based on my experience and observations all these years as a teacher and principal, I found that my bilingual students have higher academic results compared to their non-bilingual counterparts. The same conclusion was confirmed by developmental psychologists’ research as Lightbown and Spada (2006) stated. I also found that bilingual students’ skills are transferrable. The skills and knowledge that bilingual students know through their first language are transferrable. They can present these skills knowledge in their new second language easily. At my current school AIS, students startlearning anther language at age 3-4 years old. I found it is important to start young students learning a language other than their own from at an early age. That’s when they pick up a language the fastest. It is important because we need to know more about other nations’ cultures and history to improve world relations.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Eminem...His life and music essays

Eminem...His life and music essays Marshal Mathers, also known as Eminem, has been creating a stir in the music industry over the past few years. Many people feel affended and intimidated with him while he uses his freedom of speech and expresses himself. His rapping and hip hop lyrics are raw, explicic and very offending to many different types of people. There are many reasons for the type of music Eminem makes. There are many reasons why his music is the way it is. Eminem, A.K.A. Slim Shady, made Many people do not understand where Slim Shady comes from. As a child, he had no father, his mother was an alcoholic and a drug addict. Also Eminem moved back and forth from Kansas city to urban Detroit. While growing up, he was picked on and beaten by people all the time. He would get jumped and beat by his mother. All of these instances lead to the type of music he makes today. To add to all of this, his closest relative and best friend, comitted suicide when Slim was in his The song I selected is off of Eminems most recent album, The Marshal Mathers LP, and it is titled The Real Slim Shady. I chose this song for many reasons. This song mocks the mainstream artists and songs of the time. He makes a pop song which becomes mainstream, in order to show everyone how easy it is to make pop music. Also, his lyrics rhyme and make sense and i think it is amazing how his signing and music just flows perfectly. Eminem has explicic lyrics which help to press the issue at hand and show how strong his feelings are towards this. There is a very simple and defined rhythmic pattern to this song. If you listen to the first few bars without music you will definatly hear the beats. The song is in regular four beat format, also, parts of the song follows the twelve bar patter as well in some instances. The beat is constant throught the peice and rarely changes. They sometimes use a little stutter in order to let the lyrics flow. ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Article summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Article summary - Essay Example Results suggested that smoking during pregnancy has adverse impact on the fetal growth and is also linked with low socioeconomic indicators and other risk behaviors. The research drew a comparison between the birth outcomes of heavy smokers and non-heavy smokers and found that the former were exposed to substantially more health risks than the latter. Every variable other than the older maternal age was found to be a risk factor for smoking during pregnancy. Self-reports of smoking at least 10 cigarettes a day during the early stage of pregnancy can lead to numerous unfavorable birth outcomes. However, there is subjectivity about the extent to which the adverse birth outcomes can be attributed to heavy smoking alone as other factors like socioeconomic status and psychological stress also contribute to them. The research supports the strategies for quitting smoking, yet a broader focus is required to study the underlying factors that cause adverse birth

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Reading summaries Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reading summaries - Assignment Example This article has been authored by Rodrik and in this article the researcher states that policy reforms are not the only tools that can help a developing nation in increasing development. The author states that in order for policies to take effect, institutions that are in the backdrop are ill structured and thus any policy can only have a long lasting effect if the institutions are solid in nature. The author states that various policies such as the policy of trade liberalization cannot work effectively if there is lack of fiscal institutions and similarly if there is lack of a proper capital market then funds will not be allocated to those areas that need to be expanded (Rodrik 978). This is a discussion paper authored by Finn Tarp and in this paper the author argues that it is not necessary that foreign aid only works in those countries where good policies have been implemented. This is because Tarp believes that impact of foreign trade should not assessed in connection with good or bad policies because the policies that might be good might provide misleading information because it is not necessary that in developing nations there are institutions that are implementing these policies properly. In this article the researcher, Ravallion, identifies a new way of doing economics as identified by Banerjee as well as Duflo and according to this new way, decisions regarding economy should be based on randomized control trials or tests. The author states that performing randomized tests in order to conduct research related to economics is not new but these tests have provided surprising results. These tests are considered as important in order to identify causal relationship between different economic variables because these tests are easy to conduct as well as easy to explain. Another reason of these tests being good to perform causal study is that the